I'm not sure if you've watched the recent PMPC Star Awards for Music, but I styled Karylle for that event!:) Aside from Showtime, I now dress her for functions and personal trips. :) It's always, always a pleasure for me! I don't usually linger when styling her, I often just leave the clothes, but this time I decided to stay for 5 hours! It didn't feel long though, Mich and I had fun. Here are photos from that day!:)
Karylle requested for short formal dresses so it was quite a challenge. Hehe. One night while I was reading through my Facebook newsfeed, I saw this dress when a friend uploaded photos from the recently concluded FIP grad show. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it! This lovely black lace dress was the finale piece of FIP student Jeq Liwanag. With both my fingers crossed, I tried my luck and messaged her if I can borrow it. She replied the next day saying YES! I literally did a happy hop dance (haha) coz I really didn't think it would still be available. She was super nice and she even traveled from Antipolo to Cubao just to personally hand it to me! Come fitting at K's house, when she emerged from her room, I already knew it was her red carpet dress. It's fit was perfect, like it was made for her:) Her dad said she looked like a princess! Cute:) Anyway, thanks again Jeq! I'm so happy when Mother Divine Lee (who gave me this job) asked via email who Karylle wore on the red carpet coz she loved the dress! Shempre mega build up ako kay Jeq. Go girl!:)
This Jerome Salaya Ang mini dress was a last minute pullout. Mich and I picked this up from Tondo, Manila hours before the event. Thank you Jerome for sending the perfect dress! K wore this for her on stage performance:) It was a bit short so K just wore a sequined shorts underneath which was perfect coz it actually looked like it's part of the dress. Hehe. Her black Aldo shoes was also an impulse last minute buy while I was window shopping at Robinsons while waiting. I love that it's dressy enough for parties and it's on 50% off. Woot.
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This Jerome Salaya Ang mini dress was a last minute pullout. Mich and I picked this up from Tondo, Manila hours before the event. Thank you Jerome for sending the perfect dress! K wore this for her on stage performance:) It was a bit short so K just wore a sequined shorts underneath which was perfect coz it actually looked like it's part of the dress. Hehe. Her black Aldo shoes was also an impulse last minute buy while I was window shopping at Robinsons while waiting. I love that it's dressy enough for parties and it's on 50% off. Woot.
Here are the rest of the photos!
Karylle shared dressing room with Yeng Constantino, Isabella Ledesma, Juris, Angeline Quinto and other singers who performed. After hair and makeup, K snuck out (with me carrying her dress which was stored in secret) and she dressed up in the bathroom. The Miladay girls (who brought her jewelries that night) also came with us. She looked AMAZING. Dressed up and fully made up she got out of the bathroom and happily walked back to the dressing room. EVERYONE, including those in the hallway, stopped, stared and complimented her. I was so happy! Even the other stylists who were there and who knew me gave me a high five. Haha. Isabella, Kuh Ledesma's daughter even told me to "own it!" You guys know how I could be shy sometimes and how I couldn't handle compliments. Hehe. Anyway, I'm happy coz Karylle was satisfied and it radiated, she was glowing the whole night!:)
Yael and Karylle. Lovely!:))
with my friend Mycke Arcano!!! So happy he was there in the same room. Mycke is Yeng's hairstylist;)
Then, it was time for red carpet! I swore I heard Karylle ask me to go with them, but Mich insisted she didn't hear anything so I stayed inside the dressing room. Turned out, tama nga ako! She wasn't able to tell the reporters tuloy who did her dress.:( But she tweeted it at the end of the night naman:) I still made it a few minutes before her red carpet walk ended. ;)
K talking to reporters
K posed with a reporter:)
Ram, Karylle and Isabella
hello Mother Divine! So sexy!:) And you could also see here the back detail of K's dress! So pretty!
tambay mode
After red carpet, we waited again in the dressing room for K's 2nd look. Bonded with the Miladay girls, and talked to the other people there. I saw a lot of celebrities, but you know me! I don't normally ask for photos hehe. A lof of them smiled at me though! Sam Milby, Richard Poon, Maja Salvador, Christian Bautista, Bamboo, Xian Limm, Pops Fernandez, Jose & Wally, and many more I forgot. Hehe. I was able to talk to Angeline Quinto though! She was super nice and polite. As in she was just seating in a corner listening to music. Hehe.
me with Miladay girls, Ms. Rose (Karylle's 2nd mom!) and Kuya Garry
usap usap
I'm a proud momma, she looked gorgeous!
backstage while waiting for their performance
amidst chaos
audience impact. char.
Christian Bautista won something hehe
hello Yael!
Christian Bautista won another award even before he got back to his seat!
Sponge Cola won Album of the Year! Congrats!
before their tribute performance for their parents who are the biggest stars in this industry.
hosts Xian Limm and Maja Salvador. bet ko her dress!
Isabella sang first and she sang beautifully! Forgot the song but her Mom, Kuh Ledesma, was smiling the whole time:)
Paolo Valenciano sang a Gary Valenciano song
Karylle sang like her mom Ms. Zsa Zsa!:)
Wasn't able to take a photo of Ram Nievera but he won an award that night! Woot. It's amazing how talent runs in all their families! That's it. It was my first awards night and I had a blast. Can't wait to do it again!:) Thank you also to Nat Manilag and Martin Bautista for letting me borrow some dresses:)
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