
Archive Muse: We've gone to Paris!

Kit, my friend and schoolmate from St. Scho, looked gorgeous in this old rose romantic spring dress she bought from Archive!:)

And yes, that's the Eiffel Tower. *Swoons*
Thanks Kit!:)


  1. oh wow.. that's awesome! :D great photo! :D

    Animated Confessions

  2. Yep, same as Sybil's comment.. that's awesome! Makes me want to go back to Paris though.\=

    Btw, I tagged you a while back, I guess you haven't seen it? Lol. Check it here (:

  3. @Bestie - I've envious you've been to Paris!:) My ultimate dream destination. Asia now, Paris tomorrow!lol.:) Saw na your tag--thanks so much!:D


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