
Project Mesa Charity Dinner

I was born in a middle class family who in several ways also struggled with finances and such. I asked my parents once why they had to enroll us in the best (but equally expensive) schools when they could have settled for the substandard. I will never EVER forget their answer, "Education is the greatest gift any parent could give to their child". It has to be the most important legacy they bequeathed to me and my siblings (my brother didn't get the memo though, tsk!). 

Anyway, I've always believed that education could save and improve lives more than anything else. Literacy is truly the key, so when Kaiye invited me to Diksyonaryo Atbp's Project Mesa charity dinner, I said yes in a heartbeat. When most of you are at Fashion Week or the Lifehouse concert, I was there all alone (paguilty? haha). Well to each his/her own, I just wish more people supported the cause. :( Buuut, I had fun though! It was such a nice feeling being in one place with unfamiliar faces all for one reason/cause--the kids & their education. :) Here are photos from the event!

for P2000 a plate:)

buffet line!


my plate! yum!

photos were shown of  Diksyonaryo's past activities

sample books given to children (our 2k will be able to buy 4 of this!):)

mini raffle sponsored by Fully Booked! The event was hosted by Susan Enriquez and forgot his name:(

Mr. Ogie Alcasid was introduced!

He serenaded us with I think 3 songs while we were eating! Bongga! 


The project, headed by GMA reporter Lia Manalac, was featured on Brigada!

OA pero I was close to tears when I watched this:)

kids of Benguet walk for hours in 7-degree weather just to be able to go to school

we were serenaded again by Yes Pinoy volunteers

our table:)

 they auctioned Manny Pacquiao signed shirts so they could buy more books!:) the table next to us was full of GMA reporters incliding Sir Mike Enriquez himself!

Yes Pinoy Chairman Dingdong Dantes' inspirational speech:)

Project Mesa was a joint project between Diksyonaryo & Yes Pinoy foundation:) This part was the giving of the donations (school supplies, etc) by Lia to the Surigao teachers:)

It is for the benefit of the tribal Filipino Program of Surigao:) Here are your modern day heroes :)

Diksyonaryo Atbp. founder Lia Manalac rendered a heartwarming speech after a lovely song number!:)

all smiles, happy hearts:)

with St.Scho batchmates/Diksyonaryo volunteers and Ms. Lia herself!:)

Diksyonaryo volunteers + Surigao teachers. I salute you! Keep on inspiring:)

 grabbed from Kaiye:)

Project MESA raised P38,400 pesos for 48 schoolchairs for the Liangabon Tribal Community. Wow:) Here are inspiring words from Diksyunaryo founder Lia Manalac, grabbed from GMA's blog:

"Lessons like, it doesn’t take much to be happy. Indeed, joy can be found in the simplest of things. It doesn’t take so much to make a child happy- give them a candy, a toy no matter how cheap, a book no matter how old, if that’s all they have, they will still be grateful. It doesn’t take so much to help, you don’t need to be rich, you don’t even have to give the most expensive stuff. All you need to make someone else happy is an open mind and helping hand. Sometimes too, all you need to give is a little of yourself and your time."

So,what would you do if you knew that one child’s dream depends on you?:)

DiksyonaryoAtbp started out as a birthday project of Lia in 2009. To date, it has donated more than 300 dictionaries and over 300 storybooks to different schools in Benguet, Bulacan, Pampanga, Laguna, Manila and Davao. For those interested to help, please call/text 0916-5500858 or check http://diksyonaryoatbp.com. Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Projectdictionary 


  1. this is such a wonderful event Ms. Aisa!! it's a good environment change from fashion week and the like :)

    paint it stripes

    New Outfit and Photodiary post "Concrete jungle + BU3 experience" is up on the blog, Hope you can check it out :)

  2. I truly commend you for doing charity. Grabe with all the success you have been receiving goes to show that you really deserve it. Nakakainspire. :)


  3. Thanks for this post! And glad you enjoyed the dinner Aisa!

    Be a volunteer na! :)


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