Another one off my bucket list!!! Got to experience the party of a lifetime 2 weeks ago, the super fun AXE Party Bus! Went to the media launch and that night was definitely one for the books. It started at Aracama and ended at 71 Gramercy. It's one party I'm glad I didn't miss. Epic! Here are photos!:)
Okay, it was probably one of the best nights of my life. Haha. Great dinner, great chat with friends and the Axe team and great great party!!! And here's another great, the AXE Party Bus begins its 3-week ride of an all-night Hummer limo and bar party and 5 lucky group of friends will get to experience this awesome ride!:)

To join the party, just tweet why you deserve a ride on the AXE Party Bus, using the hashtag #AXEPartyBus and by tagging @AxePhilippines. The AXE Party Bus will run for two more weekends, from February 28 to March 1 and March 7-8. Get your party on! I tell you guys, it's an experience of a lifetime. So don't waste time na, join na!:)
Dinner at Aracama!
Can I just say, super sarap the food!!!
Brought my childhood friend Catch and cousin Patrick with me!
Carvey & Ana
Our boyfie Paul
Ana and Paul
Tracy and Jo
Paul, Nikita and Yuki
Us with DJ Ginoboi and Toni Tony!
David, Lissa, moi, Tracy and Paul
Axe's brand manager Gem Laforteza and DJ Toni
After our briefing, where we all panicked a little (haha) we then proceeded to the party bus!
our sweet ride! Hummer hits!
The very sushal Axe party bus!
Party time!!!
Dj Toni hahaha!
less space more fun!
Hammered! The clingies Ana, Paul and Tracy!
Catch & Pat. Thanks to Blo Hearts Asia for my fabulous hair!
And as Dj Toni said, what happens in the limo, stays in the limo! Haha. we took shots from Aracama to 70 Gramercy. Wild!
Ran into my friend Tay-Tay at Gramercy! Hellooooo!
Drinks for everyone
David & Pat
Catch with our childhood friend (our baby!) Jeb or Jeff of MEGA:)

Say hello to Chino Roque, the first Filipino astronaut!

Follow AXE for updates:
*AXE is the #1 male fragrance in the world, created by perfumer Anne Gottlieb who is also behind some of the most successful fine fragrances like Calvin
Klein, Marc Jacobs, and Dior. The scents she has created have been the
inspiration behind some of Axe's world class campaigns such as Axe Anarchy
and Apollo. But AXE has never been completely about following the rules.
"The AXE way of life is unique," said Gem Laforteza, AXE Brand Manager. "We
always try and explore how we can push the envelope."
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