I seldom go to biglaang events, but when Aj Yabut contacted me if I wanted to watch BSB's concert at MOA Arena, I said yes without batting an eye! Haha. Didn't want to feel sorry for myself again if I missed this opportunity pa to see THE greatest & bestest (nagimbento ako word for them deserve nila yan) boyband of all time! Wala ng tatalo. Sorry. So happy I got to see them live on stage with my jowa Nico and best girlfriend Anagon! Too bad, I had to leave early because I had a Skype call (for work which I had to answer at home) so I didn't finish the whole thing. I was able to experience pa din naman the forever epic, BSB magic. One of the most amazing nights of my life! Pinagisipan ko talaga if I'll bring my treasured BSB cassette tape. O cge na bukingan na talaga ng age leche haha. Then I thought, wag na d ko din naman mapapasign haha. I remember how I would watch MTV for hours just to catch their videos with matching kilig on the side. And how I would try to imitate their dance moves (kaya puro gasgas silya namin sa bahay) and how I loved daydreaming na jowa ko si Nick Carter or Kevin. So much memories! So many good ones. Oh, what I would give just to re-live those moments. Sarap maging 16! HaHA. And then eto na nga! Thank you Kitkat and Aj for giving us the break we deserve! Taray haha. Here are photos from that night:)

It's amazing how after 20 years, they're still together and they still got it! 30-40 na may swagger pa din. Hehe. They can still dance like it's 1999 and can still sing and blend like they just started yesterday. They are so solid and that explains why their fandom is this huge and stuck with them through all these years! Other boybands, take note. :P
Pacute haha!
Suites ng different companies haha
The KitKat Suites
View from the top
KitKat buffet!
Have a break...
..have a KitKat!
And then finally!!! Backstreet's back, alright!!!
OMG killer dance moves! Walang pinagbago!
Super nostalgic I can't stop screaming haha!
Kung pano sila sa MTVs ganun pa din sila haha
Nick playing the guitars. So cuteee.
We also loved their chikas in between sets! So much love, so much feels!:)
Nick Carter asking the crowd to go crazy and act like they're 15-year olds! Waaaah!
Amazed sha oh
Happy kids!!!
Eto na ang staight line formation!
And then disperse!
My love is all I have to giveeee, with out you I don't think I can liveeee....
Forever props, their fedora hats!
They're so perfect, I wanna cry huhuhu
As long as you love meee!
They performed their new song, Show 'Em What You're Made Of. Love it!:)
MOA Arena was packed!
Here are videos from the concert! Evidences that their vocal skills, dancing and their hat game is still super on point!
(grabbed from iams queenyb)
(grabbed from iams queenyb)
Now. No chairs this time:(
All-time Faves!
Search for more videos on Youtube! Super fuun. They even played an acoustic set. Can you come back next year again, pleaseee???:) If they do come back, don't miss it! So proud of these boys!!! And in Nico's words, childhood restored!:)
Thank you again Kitkat and Aj for this wonderful break!:)
P.S. While you're at it, read na din my back to the 90s blog posts!
Now, excuse me as I cry from nostalgia. Bye!
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