
"Press Play" on Life with FWD Insurance

A lot of factors can make us take a pause on life and put our plans on hold. One example is the pandemic. When the whole world came to an abrupt halt 3 years ago, it also meant putting a stop to a lot of things like school, travelling, outdoor activities, businesses, work, and life in its entirety. But this lost time also resulted in a lot of self-reflection and discoveries-- new passions, new hobbies, new outlook on life, new priorities, new understandings, new perspectives, new strengths. And it's not just the pandemic, factors like budget, responsibilities, time, lost opportunity, fear & uncertainties could contribute to your "list" -- list of businesses you never got to set up, adventures you never had, dreams you never unfolded, plans you never started. But life is short (with the last 3 years as proof) and it's about time we stop pushing things to the back burner, start living the life the way you want. Stop holding back and press play on life! Read on to know more...

Finally got to try pottery! Thanks to FWD Insurance & Wabi Sabi Studio

If you're still feeling uncertain, if you need a little push, a little encouragement, then FWD Life Insurance is here to do it for you! All you gotta do is press play on life coz FWD has got your back. 

The “press play” campaign is inspired by the stories of six, real-life heroes and features real moments and experiences as they navigate common themes that are impacting the day-to-day lives of people across Asia. The people featured each took moments of pause to reflect on their lives and understand their personal objectives and dreams, in order to press play on reconnecting with loved ones, following their passions, taking risks, and changing careers.

The campaign capitalizes on the strength of the highly recognizable “play” symbol, consistent with the FWD philosophy that insurance should be a source of empowerment to enjoy life and celebrate it with confidence. Unlike other insurance companies that mostly focus on benefits after death or after an accident, I love how FWD focuses on celebrating life, going after your dreams but also protecting it.

FWD Life Insurance, whose goal is to help people celebrate living, is marking the world’s restart with its “Press play” campaign. FWD searched all over Asia for people who have “pressed play”—six inspiring stories of stepping forward and embracing what truly makes them happy and whole. The play symbol is encapsulated in campaign videos remotely filmed & produced in 5 locations across Asia.

One of the insurances that caught our attention & interest! Such a great gift to our little ones. :)

One of those featured in the "press play" campaign is Pau Javier from the Philippines, who built local pottery brand Wabi Sabi with her sister at the height of the pandemic in 2020. It started as a way for her to focus on her mental health amidst the series of lockdowns and working from home as an advertising producer. Today, she not only is successful in selling her hand-crafted ceramic wares, but also is popular among local celebrities and enthusiasts for her pottery workshops.

Pau pressed play on her prioritizing what made her happy by turning her pottery hobby into a business. “I am proof that we all can shape the work-life balance we dream about,” she says. So inspiring!

"Pau's experience is a good example of why we're encouraging every Filipino to 'press play' on their passions and dreams," said Roche Vandenberghe, Chief Marketing Officer of FWD Life Insurance Philippines. "Through our brand campaign, we want people to know that they can shape their own life as they desire. At the end of the day, the goal is to celebrate living despite challenges. This is how we hope to transform the industry by changing the way people feel about insurance."

Me with Anagon before our pottery & painting session!

One of the things I've always wanted to try is pottery. I never got the chance to do it though coz of budget (it's not cheap and I have so many bills to pay waah) and time. So happy I was finally able to do it and cross it off my bucket list! Thank you FWD Insurance & Wabi Sabi Studio for making it happen. :)

Their studio is so pretty!

Demo by Teacher Pau!

Winging it! 

We were pressed for time and I had another appointment, so super bitin. I was there for just 2 hours but it was so therapeutic, healing & makes you explore your creativity. I definitely recommend this activity to everyone! Will definitely do this again. :)

Our very different pots! Can't wait to do this again. :)

So press play today, celebrite life, and choose what makes you happy! FWD Insurance will be right there beside you. :)

*To view these videos and get inspiration on how you can press play on your own passions and dreams, visit fwd.com.ph/fwdpressplay.

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